Today was the January meeting for the Houston Modern Quilt Guild and it was awesome! We had almost 20 people gathered into my house for sewing, food, fun, and laughter!
And scraps! Lots and lots of scraps thanks to Cherri House and my own hoarding of every tiny piece of fabric. And when I say lots I mean 2 garbage bags...
And a bag of FQ's and 2 jars full of precuts!
I had intended to make scrap bags for all the members but in the end didn't want to choose for people and decided to just let them all loose upon the scraps like a 4 year old in a candy store.
We also switched Round Rows today! I had Fi's whose round is so awesomely bright and loud and I loved working on it! My addition to her piece was the purple stripe and hexagon border.
After eating and taking care of some business we all sat down to sew! This was my set up as I was working on some HST's for a lap quilt for my great grandmother.
To make this day even more awesome I was given the Leibster Blog Award by both
Megan and
Amy! Seriously I am pretty shocked as I have only been blogging for a few months! The Leibster Blog award is given to those bloggers with less than 300 followers.
The idea is in order to accept the award, you have to pass it on to a few fellow bloggers. But oddly enough I think all the people I would have chosen to be nominated have already been so! But just in case here are my nominations anyways (even if they already have it!)
- Don't Call Me Becky - I have been reading this blog for ages and LOVE the quilts Rebekah has made as well as her travel photos, and many knitting projects! I personally have never managed to 'get' knitting so I like to live vicariously through her's!
- Blue Elephant Stitches - Jolene has such a wonderful eye for color and pattern! I especially love her Moon Tree quilt and seeing it's creation evolve through her posts.
- Crafting My Way Through Life - Lisa's blog is just awesome. Her bee blocks are fantastic, her creations inspiring, and humor is wicked.
Hope those blogs are 'new' to you and they provide you with some laughs and inspiration! Super thanks again to Amy and Megan! xoxo