Monday, April 4, 2011

Inspiring Monday

**The giveaway post is here!**

Double Wedding Rings - those 3 words often incite feelings of fear, anxiety, and frustration in quilters everywhere.

Despite this Kaelin plowed ahead and tackled this project after only quilting a few years and did a FABULOUS job!  

If this quilt doesn't make you want to make your own DWR I don't know what will!

Finished Double Wedding Ring Quilt (Front) - Modern Meadow & Hope Valley

And now she is considering doing some tutorials and a quilt along.  So head over to this blog post and tell her how awesome it would be! 


  1. beautiful quilt...they can be tedious to do; but worth it....

  2. Holy cow, that is amazing! I wouldn't even know where to begin, but it really is beautiful.

  3. You're so sweet! I heart you internet friend :)
