Sunday, January 29, 2012

I'm not dead, but I am a Popsicle.


Me in all my cold weather gear!

This is my first post from my new home in Massachusetts! The last 4 weeks have been exilerating, stressful, fun, intense, tiring, thrilling, and like 27 other emotions founds on the farthest reaches of a spectrum.

I have changed my entire life by picking up and moving 2,000 miles away to a place where I had never been, to a place where I didn't know anyone, to a place that is drastically different from where I have always lived.  So sorry about things being a bit quiet around here while I have been getting settled and attempting to adjust.

Oh and I want to apologize for those of you that just read the blog for crafty things because while I have pulled out all my sewing stuff and set most of it up its not done and I haven't sewn a stitch on my machine! Although I am making some good progress on hexie paper piecing. Oh and all these photos have been taken on my iphone since my SLR is still in Texas and my point and shoot camera is still packed away somewhere that I have yet to find.

I am lucky enough to have one friend up here but she lives about 40 minutes from me so I wont get to see her to often. But my first weekend here she took me shopping to get all my winter gear and took me up to Lake Winnipasauke so that I could see snow for the first time!

Lake Winnipasauke

We stayed at her parent's cabin right off the lake. It backed up the woods and was surrounded by other cute homes. It was gorgeous and peaceful and I totally got at that moment why people would live in all that snow!

I loved getting to see snow and I had so much freaking fun playing around in it! Then the very next weekend it snowed where I am living! It snowed from about 9am to 5pm and I enjoyed every second of it. My house and the surrounding houses looked so adorable and lovely covered in that snow but my car had no idea what the hell was happening! LOL! Oh and here the mail stops for no one or nothing! I was amazed.

Cleo was a bit freaked by the snow too! She sat in the window almost all day, her little head constantly moving, very jerky, as her eyes shifted from one falling snow flake to another. In her fascination she was would get to close to window pane, touch her nose, realize how FREEZING it was, freak out, jump off her window perch, and run about 10 feet away from the window. Then within about 5 minutes she was back at the window watching the flakes!

I also took a quick little video from one of my windows of the snow falling! So peaceful and pretty!

So y'all I hope that has given y'all a bit of insight into my crazy, fun new world! I will have of my recent adventures to share with you all soon!

I just want to thank all of you for being patient with my silence (and now craft related scilence) as I have adjusted to my new surroundings. But my first project up is finishing quilting a quilt I was working on before I left Houston, and am trying to have it done by Valentine's Day so there is that to look forward to!

Heart y'all!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Friday, January 6, 2012


There it is.

All the crafting supplies I am taking to Boston (except my jumbo fabric brick *cough cough*). My sewing machine, some crochet hooks, yarn, thread, etc etc etc.

I can't believe I got it all to fit into 1 small Rubbermaid container (that I can barely lift - damn Bernina's are HEAVY!)

Monday, January 2, 2012


Or maybe a better title would be "I think I've lost my mind".

That's right folks I am jumping on the proverbial band wagon (or off the bridge) and am going to attempt to accomplish the amazing feat of a photo a day for 2012.

I am doing this because 2012 is going to be witness to the biggest changes I have yet to experience in my life. And what better way to document it than with a phone that never leaves my side and an app that produces my favorite kinds of photos! The goal is that at the end of the year I can have all the photos printed up!

So without further adieu me, my iPhone, and Hipstamatic are going to attempt to record this upcoming year and my new life!

And what better way to start than with a shot of my new life planner from Erin Condren! If this thing can't keep me organized nothing can!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Only half...

Here it is - the first moments of 2012 and I am sitting in my place staring around at all the boxes, bags, and piles I have packed. (And there is still so much more to do!)

And despite my slight embarrassment at the sheer amount of it I had to share this photo with you guys. A jumbo space saver with about 1/2 my fabric stash.

Yeah - this is only half...

Oh and I cannot lift it by myself. I am actually really tempted to weigh it! Plus if you have never used a space saver bag, they become hard as a ROCK after you have sucked all the air out. And this one is like a giant boulder.

Oh and to give you a sense of the size - that's my moms hand in the upper left corner and my gym bag on the right.