My life is kinda turning upside down right now as I am attempting to make some HUGE changes. So I am now so late and so sorry!
Seriously, I am totally hanging my head in shame over here.
But I am caught up now!
First off the one I was most behind on, do. good stitches. For September we made green monochromatic blocks with a pop of color that was our choice so I used some scraps of Flea Market Fancy gold seeds.

For October we made rectangle and cube blocks using a pattern from Ashley at Film in the Fridge.

Finally for November we all made mod circles blocks using a pattern from Moda Bake Shop that is just adorable. Sadly though my machine doesn't do a blanket stitch as called for in the pattern so I had to use a satin stitch.

Next up are the blocks for my String Me Along bee. Back in September we were asked to make half square triangle blocks using all Amy Butler fabrics. And can I say how much I LOVE HST!! Seriously, that is easily my favorite quilt block. So simple, so versatile, and so pretty!

Then in October we were asked to make more Nicey Jane string blocks, which are always a pleasure to make. So easy to make, yet it makes wonderfully complex blocks.

Finally we have the Neptune Bee, which uses my favorite fabric line ever!! Oh Tula how I love your fabrics! Back in September we were asked to make hexagon blocks - one hand pieced hexie block and one using the awesome Lee's tutorial. This one took me a while simply because of the hand piecing but I loved making them!

Then in October we were asked for 2 dresden blocks, but sadly I really only had enough time to make 1. This was my first dresden block, and while I love the outcome, I did not like the process. I had so many complications with this block. I couldn't ever get it to lie flat, the circle just barely fit. Overall it was just frustrating.

Finally for November we were asked to make Rain or Shine blocks from Elizabeth Hartman's book Practical Patchwork. I loved making these, and I love the outcome, but good grief I had issues making that center point come together, and still obviously failed. Thank goodness the lady these are going to has plans to cover the centers with some awesome buttons.

Finally I did a little bit of secret sewing! I tried out an X-block and it was a ton of fun! Sadly though I think I didn't choose my fabrics very well so the contrast isn't quite what it should be. Still I do love this block!

So there you have it - 3 months of blocks that I have been working on the last few weeks and have finally finished!

Now I just have to get them mailed out on Monday so they can fly their ways home!

Also this weekend I have finished a quilt and finally photographed another that I actually made in 2008 but is my favorite quilt ever that I want to share with you, so there's more to come!