Monday, November 7, 2011

Oh my goodness, I am exhausted.

Quilt Market and Quilt Festival have come and gone leaving me in a whirlwind of exhaustion! 

The Houston Modern Quilt Guild Market Meet Up was a bundle of awesome-ness.  So many people showed up, so many prizes were given out, so many great conversations were had.  Then in the middle of the week I got interviewed by the Houston Chronicle.  Then I spend wednesday and thursday shopping till I literally dropped (pics of all those goodies are coming!) Wow my feet were killing me at the end of both those days! Then friday-sunday I attended a conference for work in the Hilton Americas next door to the quilt festival meaning half the time I was at my conference I was wishing I was at the festival!  Then saturday night was the HMQG Festival meet up!  Not as many people came but it was still a blast with new friends made, prizes galore, and a fantastic chocolatini!

Sadly though during this crazy week I took almost NO PICTURES!! Argh!  It was just too hard to shop, chat, laugh, drink, and enjoy myself all while taking pictures.  And the few I did take were half blurred and pretty crappy. 

I do have to share this AMAZING FIND with you all though!  3 yard Neptune bundles!! OMG be still my heart!


All in all though it was the most awesome week ever.  And I need a 3 day nap.