Monday, March 28, 2011

Inspiring Monday

And now it is time to get back to our regularly scheduled programming!

This week I am sharing with you some stunning paper piecing work from Penny at Sew Take A Hike that she made for a bee. 

Kitchen Aid

I so want to learn how to do this kind of stunning work!  She is giving a retreat that I wish I could go to, so I hope that whoever goes tells us all about it! 


  1. Welcome back! We've missed you!
    Does this charming block look like the mixer you use?

  2. I wish I could do this too. I know how to paper piece, but I don't know how to make paper piece patterns.

  3. Hey Bry! It is Jenn :) I am not even sure how I found your blog, something on FB or something. Just wanted to let you know that you've been part of my inspiration to try and start quilting (eventually, if I can get my act together). I love all the ones you've done, especially the ones for Meagan's kiddos.
